Jesus Healed Two Blind Men on His Way Out of Jericho

Are you going through challenges? Are you wondering when those challenges will end? Do you know someone who feels all alone or maybe you feel alone. You may feel like you are the only one in the valley. The truth is you are not alone. In Matthew 20, Jesus healed two blind men. After meditating on this portion of scripture, I thought the lessons from the two blind men are encouraging.

Jesus healed the two blind men

The Story of the Two Blind Men

In Matthew 20:30, there were two blind men sitting by the road. Nothing is said about their background. I do not know whether they were single or married. What is clear is they were both going through a situation. They were both walking the difficult road of blindness together.

One day, Jesus was on his way out of Jericho followed by a multitude. I am sure people were trying to talk to him, share with him their needs, touch him, or even ask questions. Whatever the case may be, many people surrounded him.

They heard that Jesus was passing by.  By now, they had probably heard that he had healed people. They probably had been told of the many miracles he had performed. Maybe they were waiting for their day in anticipation, believing that one day he would heal them. Therefore, when they heard he was around, “they cried out, Lord, have mercy on us, Son of David” (Matthew 20:30).

When the blind men cried out, some people in the crowd that was following Jesus told them to stop calling Jesus. The men were not deterred by the rebuke. Instead of keeping quiet, they cried louder. Jesus stopped and asked them what they wanted. They told him that they wanted to see. He touched their eyes and healed them. They stood up and followed him.

Lessons from the Story of the Men

We can learn several lessons from the two men.

Be persistent

The multitude told the Two Blind Men to be quiet. They decided to cry louder. You see, no one around there knew what it meant to be physically blind therefore they would appreciate the men’s struggle.

The two men knew that only Jesus would heal them. They desperately needed a breakthrough therefore, they called on Jesus regardless of the rebuke that came their way. Whatever the struggle is, only God can get you out of it. Just as the two blind men did not allow people to stop them, do not allow anyone to stop you from being persistent.

Call on God!

Do not Get Offended

Do not take offense when someone who cannot relate to what you are going through tries to stop you from calling on God. Don’t get into a discussion with them. Unless they have gone through what you have been through, they cannot understand the situation. Ignore them and focus on Jesus.

Avoid Self Pity

Do not allow self-pity in your life. Self-pity will not allow you to get up and do what needs to be done. It will only drive you to experience a victim mentality. If the Two Blind Men had self-pity, they would have kept quiet when the people told them to. You are not a victim but victorious. You are just going through the process of character building which is important.

Don’t ask Amiss

Know what you need from God. Jesus asked the men, “what do you want me to do for you?. They said to him, Lord, let our eyes be opened” (Matthew 20:32-33).

The men asked for eyesight. Their eyesight was the means to getting their freedom. Their dependence on a human being for a lot of what they could not do for themselves ended that day. When we discover what we need, we will get to the place we want to go.

God will heal You

Jesus had compassion and healed the blind men and he “touched their eyes, and immediately they recovered their sight and followed him” (Matthew 20:34).

Maybe you have gone through a situation that has left you wounded. You go to bed crying and wake up crying. Sometimes the emotional pain is unbearable. Or maybe, you need physical healing. Whatever you are going on today is not what you will be dealing with tomorrow.

God still heals and restores.

Martha Macharia

Martha Macharia is a Christ follower, wife, mother, and a Christian author. She is the founder of Woman Transformed, a ministry that equips women so that they can impact generations. Martha believes every woman given an opportunity can positively impact society. She loves to encourage, motivate, and inspire women. She also desires to see marriages and families’ flourish. Martha’s hobbies include knitting and crocheting. She enjoys traveling with her family and watching movies. She loves sunrises, sunsets, listening to water flowing slowly down a stream and looking at beautiful landscapes.