Jesus heals The Man at the Pool of Bethesda

Can you imagine being in a situation that is never changing for many years wondering when things will change? The Man at the Pool of Bethesda had been in a difficult situation for 38 years. He did not know when he would receive his miracle.

The man at the pool of Bethesda

The Story of the Man at the Pool

The Man at the Pool called Bethesda, scripture tells us of a man who had been in his condition for thirty-eight years. He was among a multitude of sick people,  some blind, others lame while others paralyzed. They were all waiting by the pool because an angel would stir up the water at a certain time and whoever got in first was healed.

The difference between him and all the other sick people was; he had no one to help him into the water once it was stirred. Whenever he tried to go in, another would go before him.

The Challenges the Man Faced

The Man at the Pool had been going through this difficulty for a long time. All his energy and focus was on this one issue. I can imagine the questions he would ask himself;

How do I get my healing?

Who will help me?

Does anyone care?

He knew he was in the right place but year after year, he was not able to go that extra mile to
get his miracle because he needed help. His condition caused him not to move ahead in life.
There are dreams he may have had but could not pursue them because he was in this difficult
situation, and he had not been able to get out of it. He could only hope that somehow, he would one day manage to get into that pool.

Lessons from the Man at the Pool

There are several lessons we can learn from the story of the Man at the Pool.

Jesus Sees You

During his mother’s funeral, a preacher was speaking concerning his struggles when his mother died. The sentence he kept asking God was, “where were you. Did you not see all those people who were praying for my mother to be healed? Where were you?”

Maybe you are asking this same question because of how difficult your situation has become. You may not feel as if God is present but the truth is, he is right there with you and he sees what you are going through.

Jesus saw the man lying at the at the pool. Knowing how long he had been in his current condition, he asked him, “do you want to be made well?” (John 5:6)

Among all the people who were there, Jesus only spoke to him. He went directly to Man at the Pool and asked him whether he wanted to be healed. He knew how long he had been there and that he did not have anyone to help him.

Jesus knows you are in a place where you need help. He sees you and desires to help you. Trust him and wait upon him. Do not think it is impossible because of how long you have been in your situation.

Be encouraged because he sees.

Jesus has the Power to Intervene

The Man at the Pool needed intervention otherwise he would have died in his condition. Jesus had the power to intervene. He told him, “Rise, take up your bed and walk” (John 5:8). The man was healed.

No matter how bad your problem, Jesus has the solution. The solution may be what you do not expected but when it comes from him, it is the best solution.  

Realize the man took his bed and walked. He was carrying what he had sat on for 38 years. That bed he carried would remain as a constant reminder of where he had come from and who had made it possible for him to start moving again.

When Jesus intervenes in your life, keep something with you that will remind you what he did for you. You can write it down for future reference. Maybe one day you will need to encourage someone by testifying of God’s goodness.

Do not Give Up

The Man at the Pool never gave up. He was determined to get healed. His chances were not great at all. In fact, when Jesus asked him whether he wanted to get healed, he said to him that whenever the angel stirs up the water, before he gets in, someone else would get in. He was determined that one day he would get into that pool before someone else. Even though he had no one, he still stayed there, refusing to give up.

Do not give up. Continue waiting on God. One day, he will restore what needs to be restored. Philippians 4:13 states, “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” God will give you strength to wait upon him.

God will Never Abandon You

The Man at the Pool had been abandoned by family and friends. When I first read this passage, I wondered where his family was. Did he not have any friends who would help him? I can imagine him feeling lonely. Not only did the others have someone by their side to assist, they had people to encourage them as well. He had no one to talk to or encourage him. He had to encourage himself.

You may find yourself in a situation like this. You are all alone going through troubling times. No one is there with you. Your family has deserted you. Your friends were there until you ran into problems.

I remember meeting a man who told me how his wife left him and took everything he had. You could see the devastation written all over his face. He did not have any friends left to encourage him. Sometimes, you know who your friends are when you are going through problems.

The best you can do in life is to remember Jesus is the best friend we could ever have. He will never leave us. You will have to encourage yourself in the midst of your trials just like “David felt strengthened and encouraged in the Lord his God” (1 Samuel 30:6)

Always remember God is with you.

Martha Macharia

Martha Macharia is a Christ follower, wife, mother, and a Christian author. She is the founder of Woman Transformed, a ministry that equips women so that they can impact generations. Martha believes every woman given an opportunity can positively impact society. She loves to encourage, motivate, and inspire women. She also desires to see marriages and families’ flourish. Martha’s hobbies include knitting and crocheting. She enjoys traveling with her family and watching movies. She loves sunrises, sunsets, listening to water flowing slowly down a stream and looking at beautiful landscapes.