The Story of Hannah in the Bible

The Story of Hannah in the Bible is a picture of God’s intervention and provision, but her story is also marked by the reminder of the pain and despair women go through when dealing with the difficult issue of being childless, and how people’s attitudes put more pressure and causes emotional pain.

Story of Hannah

Who was Hannah in the Bible

Hannah was Elimelech’s first wife. It is presumed that he married his second wife Peninah because Hannah was barren. Peninah had children but Hannah did not have children. Year after year, when they went to worship and sacrifice to the Lord, Peninah would provoke her to tears. Hannah would weep and not eat. Her husband did not understand why she wept.

One day, in her distress, she poured out her heart to the Lord. Her lips were moving but no one could hear her voice. As Eli the priest observed her, he concluded that she must be drunk.  He approached and told her to stop drinking. Hannah told him that she was not drunk but was distressed and pouring out to God.

After Hannah left her burden with God, she did not cry anymore. God later gave her a son whom she named Samuel and dedicated him to God just like she had vowed she would. God then gave her more children.

The Challenges Hannah Had to Overcome

Hannah found herself in a position of despair. It was unfortunate she had no children. She had been able to live with her condition for a while. What made it unbearable was her husband’s other wife Peninnah.  It was obvious to everyone that Hannah had a problem.  Her husband had been able to father children with Peninnah but not with her.  She had to deal with three issues

Hannah Walked Alone

The moment Elimelech took a second wife, he started walking a different path from his wife. According to him, he had solved a problem in their home. Because she was barren, he decided the only way to solve the problem was to get children with another woman. She was left to walk on a road alone. He had children but she had none.

Hannah was Exposed

There is nothing as bad as being exposed by a loved one. By him solving their problem, he exposed Hannah to everyone. He was able to have children with his second wife Peninah therefore, Hannah was the problem. There was no hiding anymore. Everyone knew she was barren.

The Other Woman

Peninah had no remorse. She did not care about Hannah’s difficult situation. Instead of being a source of encouragement, she added more problems to Hannah. She made Hannah weep according to 1 Samuel 1:6-7.

Her husband’s response when she would cry;

Her husband could not understand the pain his wife was going through because he was not walking that journey with her. Therefore, he asked her why she was crying and not eating. In 1 Samuel 1:8, Elkanah asked, “Hannah why be downhearted just because you have not children? You have me-isn’t that better than having ten sons?”

I know he sounds insensitive. He did not mean to be because he loved her very much. However, his lack of understanding caused him to make the situation about himself and not about her feelings. 

Hannah’s decision to Cry to God

Hannah had been weeping for some time. One day, Hannah was so distraught she wept before God. She made this vow to God saying, “If you will look upon my sorrow and answer my prayer and give me a son, then I will give him back to you. he will be yours for his entire lifetime” (1 Samuel 1:11).

God answered her prayer and gave her a son. After she weaned him, she gave him back to God so he could serve him all the days of his life. God blessed her with more children.

Lessons from Hannah’s Story

Every story in the bible has lessons that we can learn.

You will Face Unexpected Challenges

When I think of Hannah, I can imagine just like every woman, she got married expecting to have a wonderful, blessed family. She could not have imagined what was waiting for her. She would not have thought she would struggle with barrenness and that her loving husband would get another wife who would be a thorn in her flesh.

Sometimes, life will throw at you curve balls; challenges you never thought you would face. As long as you live on earth, you should know that there are things that will happen that you have no control over. And with God’s help, you will overcome.

People may not Understand

Just like Elimelech did not understand what his wife Hannah was going through, there are times you will go through hard times and people will not understand why you are in tears. They will not understand why you are struggling. Instead of empathizing, they may tell you that what you are going through is not so hard. Or it is time to move on.

Public struggles

It is one thing to go through a struggle privately. It is another thing altogether to go through a situation and everyone knows. Not only do they know but you are a topic of discussion among them.

Sometimes people have a distorted version of the situation. Whatever the circumstance, it is causing you pain and anguish. You have nowhere to go and no one to talk to.

Remember you can cry to God. He will give you peace during the storms of life. He will walk with you and never leave you. When others depart from you, God will still be present. He is your source of encouragement. He knows exactly what to tell you and the right time to give you a message.

People may Misjudge You

Hannah was misjudged by Eli the priest. When she was praying, he thought she was drunk.

As she continued praying before the Lord, Eli observed her mouth. Hannah was speaking in her heart; only her lips moved, and her voice was not heard. Therefore Eli took her to be a drunken woman. And Eli said to her, “How long will you go on being drunk? Put your wine away from you.” 1 Samuel 1:12-14

Do not get offended when people misjudge you. Encourage yourself in the Lord and continue to depend on him. He knows the truth even if others do not.

God Answers Prayer

Hannah asked God to give her a son and promised to dedicate him to God.

God answered her prayer and gave her a son.

So it came to pass in the process of time that Hannah conceived and bore a son, and called his name Samuel, saying, “Because I have asked for him from the Lord.” (1 Samuel 1:20)

God later blessed her with more children. He gave her beyond what she had asked for.

The woman who was known as barren was no longer barren. God stepped in and changed her situation. God answers prayers. Sometimes you may feel like God is not answering your prayer in the time you want. God knows why he answers prayer at a certain time. No matter how long it takes, he will still answer prayer.

As I read about Hannah, I realized that she loved God. She had a relationship with God. Her prayer in 1 Samuel 2 is very telling of how she felt about God.

As you read about her, my prayer is the story of Hannah will encourage you.

Martha Macharia

Martha Macharia is a Christ follower, wife, mother, and a Christian author. She is the founder of Woman Transformed, a ministry that equips women so that they can impact generations. Martha believes every woman given an opportunity can positively impact society. She loves to encourage, motivate, and inspire women. She also desires to see marriages and families’ flourish. Martha’s hobbies include knitting and crocheting. She enjoys traveling with her family and watching movies. She loves sunrises, sunsets, listening to water flowing slowly down a stream and looking at beautiful landscapes.