Struggling with Obedience? Find Strength in Abraham’s Journey

As Christian women, we often face a myriad of challenges in our spiritual journeys. One of the most common struggles is the call to obedience. We may wrestle with doubt, fear, or the pressure of expectations. Yet, when we look at the life of Abraham—a man of great faith—we find valuable lessons on how to navigate our own struggles with obedience. His journey is a testament to God’s faithfulness and a source of encouragement for us all.


The Call to Obedience

Abraham’s story begins in Genesis 12, where God calls him to leave his homeland and family to go to an unknown land. Imagine the courage it took to leave everything familiar behind! Abraham was not just stepping into a new territory; he was stepping out in faith, trusting God’s promise without knowing what the future held.

For many of us, this resonates deeply. God may call us to take bold steps—whether it’s moving to a new city, starting a new job, or even stepping into a new ministry. The fear of the unknown can make obedience feel daunting. But just like Abraham, we can find strength in trusting God’s plans.

Encouragement from Abraham’s Example

Obedience Begins with Trust

Abraham’s journey teaches us that obedience starts with trust. When God called him, Abraham didn’t have all the answers. He didn’t know where he was going or how long it would take. But he chose to trust God, and that faith fueled his obedience.

Reflection: Are there areas in your life where you struggle to trust God? Take a moment to pray and ask for His guidance. Reflect on past instances when God has proven faithful, and allow that to strengthen your trust.

Recognizing the Struggle

Abraham’s life was not free from struggles. He faced numerous challenges, including famine, fear of kings, and family conflicts. Even the father of faith had moments of doubt. In Genesis 16, we see Abraham and Sarah take matters into their own hands when they doubt God’s promise of a child, leading to the birth of Ishmael.

This part of the story reminds us that struggling with obedience is a common experience. It’s okay to have doubts and fears; what matters is how we respond. Rather than letting our struggles define us, we can choose to seek God in those moments of uncertainty.

Encouragement: Acknowledge your struggles. Write down your fears and doubts, and then bring them to God in prayer. He understands your heart and desires to walk with you through your challenges.

The Power of Surrender

One of the most profound moments in Abraham’s journey is found in Genesis 22, when God asks him to sacrifice his son Isaac. This request must have felt incomprehensible to Abraham, yet he obeyed without hesitation. His willingness to surrender his most cherished promise highlights a deep trust in God’s character.

Surrendering our desires and dreams can be incredibly challenging. We often hold tightly to our plans, fearing what might happen if we let go. However, true obedience comes from a place of surrender—recognizing that God knows what’s best for us.

Reflection: Are there dreams or desires you need to surrender to God? Spend time in prayer, asking Him to help you release your grip and trust His plans for your life.

Finding Strength in Community

Abraham’s journey was not one he took alone. He had family, friends, and later, a covenant community through Isaac. Surrounding ourselves with a supportive community can make a world of difference when it comes to obedience.

As Christian women, we need each other. Sharing our struggles and victories can encourage us to remain faithful in our walks. When we surround ourselves with others who share our faith, we create an environment where we can grow and strengthen each other.

Encouragement: If you’re not already part of a community, consider joining a Bible study group or finding a mentor. Having someone to pray with and share your journey can provide much-needed support.

Celebrating God’s Faithfulness

Throughout Abraham’s life, God remained faithful to His promises. From the birth of Isaac to the formation of a great nation, Abraham’s obedience was met with divine faithfulness.

As we reflect on our own struggles with obedience, it’s essential to celebrate God’s faithfulness in our lives. Remembering the times He has answered prayers, provided for our needs, or brought us through tough situations can encourage us to trust Him more deeply.

Encouragement: Keep a gratitude journal where you document instances of God’s faithfulness. Regularly revisiting these moments can strengthen your faith and encourage you to obey when challenges arise.

Moving Forward in Obedience

Obedience may feel like a struggle, but it is also an invitation to deepen our relationship with God. Abraham’s journey shows us that we are not alone in our struggles; even the greatest figures of faith faced challenges and doubts.

As we move forward, let’s remember:

  • Trust God.
  • Acknowledging our struggles is part of the journey.
  • Surrendering our desires opens the door to God’s plans.
  • Community provides strength and encouragement.
  • Celebrating God’s faithfulness fuels our obedience.

In moments of doubt, fear, or struggle, let’s look to Abraham’s example. His life reminds us that obedience is not about perfection but about progress. It’s about taking each step in faith, knowing that God is with us every step of the way.

When you feel the weight of obedience, remember Abraham’s journey. Embrace your struggles, lean into trust, and watch how God works in and through your life. Your obedience, no matter how small, can lead to extraordinary things. Step out in faith together, knowing that God is faithful and will guide you on our path.

Martha Macharia

Martha Macharia is a Christ follower, wife, mother, and a Christian author. She is the founder of Woman Transformed, a ministry that equips women so that they can impact generations. Martha believes every woman given an opportunity can positively impact society. She loves to encourage, motivate, and inspire women. She also desires to see marriages and families’ flourish. Martha’s hobbies include knitting and crocheting. She enjoys traveling with her family and watching movies. She loves sunrises, sunsets, listening to water flowing slowly down a stream and looking at beautiful landscapes.