Friends Carry You

Would Your Friends Carry You to Jesus?

Life has a way of throwing challenges at us that can leave us feeling helpless, paralyzed by circumstances, and unable to move forward. In these moments, the people we surround ourselves with can make all the difference. Have you ever stopped to wonder: Do I have friends who would carry me to Jesus when I can’t get there myself?

Let’s explore this question through one of the most inspiring stories in the Bible, found in Mark 2:1-12. This story isn’t just about a man who was healed—it’s about the extraordinary faith of his friends and the lengths they went to for his breakthrough.

Friends Carry You

The Scene: A Crowded House

Imagine the scene: Jesus is teaching in a packed house in Capernaum. Word has spread about His miracles, and people have gathered in droves, eager to hear Him and witness His power. The house is so full that not another person can squeeze through the door. Outside, a paralytic man lies on a mat, unable to walk, move, or even inch closer to the Healer.

But this man isn’t alone. He has four friends who refuse to let the situation stop them. They’ve heard about Jesus too, and they are determined to get their friend in front of Him, no matter the obstacle.

Faith That Overcomes Obstacles

These friends could have easily given up. They could have said, “Maybe next time,” or “The crowd is too big.” But their faith in Jesus—and their love for their friend—drove them to action. They didn’t settle for excuses. Instead, they thought creatively.

In an extraordinary act of determination, they carried their friend onto the roof of the house, tore it open, and lowered him down to Jesus.

Can you imagine the scene? Dust falling, sunlight streaming through the opening, the crowd murmuring in astonishment. And there, in the middle of it all, Jesus looks up and sees not just the paralyzed man but the unwavering faith of his friends.

What Jesus Saw

Mark 2:5 says, “When Jesus saw their faith, He said to the paralyzed man, ‘Son, your sins are forgiven.’”

Did you catch that? Jesus was moved by the faith of the friends. Their belief in His power and their determination to help their friend were so compelling that it led to a miracle.

This wasn’t just about physical healing—it was spiritual, too. Jesus didn’t just restore the man’s ability to walk; He forgave his sins and gave him a new life.

The Power of Faithful Friendship

This story is a powerful reminder of the role we play in the lives of those around us. True friendship goes beyond surface-level connection. It involves sacrifice, love, and a willingness to carry others to Jesus when they can’t make it on their own.

We all have times when we’re the paralytic—unable to take a single step forward. Maybe it’s grief, fear, shame, or doubt that paralyzes us. In those moments, we need friends who will carry us, who will stand in the gap and fight for us in prayer, action, and faith.

And sometimes, we’re called to be the friend—to pick up the mat, push through the crowd, and do whatever it takes to bring someone we love to Jesus.

Do You Have “Roof-Tearing” Friends?

Take a moment to reflect on the people in your life. Are they the kind of friends who would carry you to Jesus when you’re too weak to get there yourself? Do they encourage you, pray for you, and point you toward Christ?

In a world where relationships often feel shallow and self-centered, the example of the paralytic’s friends challenges us to cultivate friendships that are deep, Christ-centered, and filled with faith.

Be a Friend Who Carries

Being a “roof-tearing” friend isn’t always easy. It requires selflessness, effort, and a heart that prioritizes others. But the impact of such friendship is eternal.

Here are a few ways to be that kind of friend:

  1. Pray for Others Without Ceasing:
    Prayer is one of the most powerful ways to carry someone to Jesus. When you pray for your friends, you’re lifting them into the presence of the One who can heal, restore, and transform.
  2. Show Up in Their Struggles:
    Don’t wait for someone to ask for help. Take the initiative to show up, whether that means offering a listening ear, helping with practical needs, or simply being present.
  3. Encourage and Uplift:
    Speak life over your friends. Remind them of God’s promises and encourage them to trust in His goodness, even when life feels overwhelming.
  4. Take Bold Steps of Faith:
    Sometimes, carrying someone to Jesus requires bold action. Be willing to take risks, face criticism, or step out of your comfort zone to help a friend experience God’s love and power.

Let Jesus Be the Center

At the heart of this story is Jesus. The friends didn’t just carry the paralytic to a better location—they carried him to the Savior. This is a crucial distinction.

As we love and support our friends, our goal should always be to lead them closer to Jesus. He is the ultimate source of healing, hope, and restoration.

A Call to Action

So, let me ask you again: Would your friends carry you to Jesus?

And perhaps more importantly: Would you carry your friends to Jesus?

The beauty of the Christian life is that we’re not meant to walk it alone. God has placed people in your life for a reason. Don’t take those relationships for granted. Invest in them. Strengthen them. And when the moment comes, be the friend who tears the roof off.

May we all have the kind of faith that moves mountains, breaks through barriers, and brings others into the presence of Jesus. And may we surround ourselves with friends who do the same for us.

Now, go be a “roof-tearing” friend—and watch how God works miracles through your faith and love.