Falling Upward: The Beauty of Divine Providence

In certain seasons of our lives, we face challenges. Sometimes, the difficulties can bring out feelings of abandonment, being overwhelmed, or even loss. When we have these intense feelings, we can find encouragement in the story of Joseph, a biblical figure who exemplifies the beauty of divine providence. His journey teaches us that even in our dark moments, God is always at work, orchestrating events for our good and His glory.

Divine Providence

Understanding Divine Providence

If you look in the Bible, you will not find the phrase Divine Providence because it is in a long list of “Christianese,” which are certain terms and jargon sometimes used by Christians. As Christians, we understand Divine Providence as God’s plan for humanity and his ability to intervene in human affairs. We also understand that God is involved in every detail of our existence, even when we can’t see His hand at work. For many women, understanding this truth can be a source of immense comfort, especially during times of uncertainty.

Joseph’s life powerfully illustrates this concept. His story in Genesis 37-50 reveals how God used his trials, betrayals, and hardships to fulfill a greater purpose. Let’s see how his life and experiences can inspire us in our journeys.

Joseph: A Journey of Betrayal and Resilience

Joseph was Jacob’s favorite son. This fact did not go unnoticed by Joseph’s brothers. Because their father favored him, they were jealous and resented Joseph. Their resentment deepened when their father made a beautiful coat of colors for his beloved son Joseph. To add salt to injury, he told his brothers about the two dreams he had where he saw them bowing down to him. When they heard this, they were even more angry. Instead of celebrating his dreams, they plotted to get rid of him, which they thought was a great solution to their problem. They did not realize that solutions made out of anger are not solutions but actions that create undesirable consequences.

The Pit Experience

Because of their jealousy and anger, Joseph’s brothers first planned to kill him. They thought better of it and instead chose to betray him by first putting him in a pit and later selling him into slavery. Can you imagine the heartbreak of being rejected by your own family? This was Joseph’s “pit experience,” a moment of deep despair, the weight of rejection hanging in the air. I can imagine Joseph felt a concoction of feelings swirling within him and questions he had no answers to. I know that many women can relate to such intense emotions in their own lives at one point or another. Perhaps you’ve faced betrayal from someone you trusted or felt alone in your struggles. It’s in these dark moments that God’s providence can begin to shine the brightest.

While in slavery in Egypt, Joseph remained faithful to God. He chose to work diligently and honorably. His integrity and hard work caught the attention of Potiphar, the master to whom he had been sold. Potiphar elevated him and put him in charge of his household. However, another trial awaited him: false accusations from Potiphar’s wife, which led to his imprisonment.

The Prison Experience

In prison, Joseph again faced despair. His mind must have raced, replaying when the false accusation shattered his world. He must have felt the weight of injustice. He must have grappled with the reality of being trapped for something he did not do. No matter how bad things were, he continued to trust in God. He may not have understood why, but he knew his relationship with God should not suffer because of what he was going through.

In the prison, he interpreted dreams for fellow inmates, which showed that even though he was suffering, he was willing to use his gifts for others. This attitude of service is a beautiful reminder for women today. In our darkest times, we can choose to uplift those around us, reflecting God’s love and grace.

Joseph’s resilience in the face of betrayal and hardship speaks volumes about the strength that God can cultivate in us. It’s not uncommon to feel like we’re in a pit or a prison, but Joseph’s story teaches us that these experiences can be fertile ground for growth and transformation.

The Path to Purpose

After years of hardship, Joseph’s breakthrough finally came when he interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams. Pharaoh had two dreams that made him anxious, and none of his wise men or magicians could interpret them. The only person in his whole kingdom whom God had given the ability to interpret dreams was in prison.

The Pharaoh’s chief cup bearer remembered Joseph and told the Pharaoh about him, which eventually led to his release from prison and elevation to a position of power. He became second in command in Egypt, tasked with managing the country’s resources during a severe famine. This turnaround highlights a crucial truth about divine providence: God often uses our struggles to prepare us for a greater purpose.

As women, we may wonder how our trials can lead to anything good. It’s easy to question God when we feel overwhelmed. But just as Joseph’s experiences shaped him into a wise leader, our challenges can equip us to fulfill our God-given destinies.

Finding Beauty in Your Journey

Joseph’s story is a testament to the beauty of divine providence. His life was marked by highs and lows, yet God used every experience for a greater purpose. As women, we can draw strength from his journey, knowing that our struggles can lead to something beautiful.

How to Embrace Divine Providence in Your Life

Seek God in Prayer
Cultivating a habit of prayer helps us align our hearts with God’s will. In moments of uncertainty, take your concerns to God. He cares deeply about your struggles and will provide guidance and comfort.

Reflect on Your Journey
Consider the challenges you’ve faced and how they have shaped you. Reflecting on your journey can help you see God’s hand at work in your life, fostering gratitude for the lessons learned.

Surround Yourself with Supportive Community
Engage with other women who share your faith. Building a community of support can provide encouragement and strength, reminding you that you are not alone in your struggles.

Be Open to Change
Just as Joseph’s path took unexpected turns, be open to God’s leading in your life. Embrace new opportunities and trust that God is guiding you toward your purpose, even if the journey looks different than you expected.

Practice Gratitude
Gratitude shifts our focus from what we lack to what we have. Taking time each day to acknowledge the blessings in your life can enhance your perspective, allowing you to see God’s providence in action.


    Joseph’s life beautifully illustrates the power of divine providence. His journey from the pit to the palace reminds us that God is always working behind the scenes, using our experiences to fulfill His greater purpose. As women, we can find hope and encouragement in this truth, knowing that even in our struggles, God is with us, leading us toward a future filled with promise.

    So, when you feel like you’re falling, remember that God can turn your downward spirals into upward journeys. Trust in His divine providence, embrace your gifts, and keep moving forward. Your story, like Joseph’s, is still being written, and the best is yet to come.

    Martha Macharia

    Martha Macharia is a Christ follower, wife, mother, and a Christian author. She is the founder of Woman Transformed, a ministry that equips women so that they can impact generations. Martha believes every woman given an opportunity can positively impact society. She loves to encourage, motivate, and inspire women. She also desires to see marriages and families’ flourish. Martha’s hobbies include knitting and crocheting. She enjoys traveling with her family and watching movies. She loves sunrises, sunsets, listening to water flowing slowly down a stream and looking at beautiful landscapes.